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Friday, May 31, 2013

Fernando kaseres

An old proverb tells us that "every great man there's a great woman." With your permission, we change it slightly: "Every great scorer's great, but ardapasebuli a forward now." The player turned out to be the hero of this story. "Real" with the Champions League (3), La Liga (2), the Spanish Super Cup (3) win and 99 goals scored. Fernando morientesi - daupasebeli hero.

Fernando remembers many years after the events of 2004. Then the Champions League stars gadzedzgili "Real" modest "Monaco" in appearance. After the first half, changing Yaroslav received the ball on the left wing plashilma chahkida. Morientesi necessary time needed to place a header to the response. What then happened in history. Scored goals at the expense of the "Monaco" quarter "Real" isolate medals. Morientesma played a great role in the duel. Fernando showed in both matches to the "Real" proved that everything that shine is not gold.

Old Spanish football morientesis raulisa and it was difficult to separate the names. You can easily manage any kind of breakthrough for young forwards. It was difficult to imagine that one day they will separately - played. When I arrived at the club morientesi, the forward predrag Mijatovic and Davor shukeri considered. "E MOREAU" It took 12 months to put the head of his teammates on the bench. 90 - years late, and Raul morientesma - one featured a duet created. This all occurred when he was only 21 years old.

Fernando kaseres in the autonomous province of ekstremaduras born. Young morientesis The Club "albasete", where the "Zaragoza" moved. Stadium "La romareda" witnessed the rise of the morientesis, who was familiar with. In two seasons, "El Moro offered" 34 goals scored and immediately "Real" interest in the subject. Later, probably in the history of Madrid is the most successful transfer to another. Transfer price of 6.6 million. Euro. Just 6.6 million. Euro, "Los Blancos" He recruited forward, who was later the club's Champions League, 7th, 8th and 9th Cup win helped. At the moment among the club's top bombardirta Fernando in the 19th place. Recently he Gonzalo iguainma equal.

Century, Florentino Peres came to power after the team morientesis role has changed. If I can not answer for a long time "Real" Madrid will probably know by the time the intrigues of the club.

Morientesis madriduli career abruptly ended. Peres' galaktikosis "he wanted to build the project. The superstar purchased annually, despite the fact that the club was staffed.

After winning the Champions League Eighth, plorentinom team led Zidane and figure - a world-class stars. However, it turned out to be not enough, and "Inter" The Ronaldo recruited. Brazilian whole world is watching. His "Royal Club" gadabargebam universal resonance. Unfortunately, it did not affect the local morientess.

Suddenly the game, "Barcelona" got involved and decided to buy morientesis. Peres offered was very good. This meant that the "Los Blancos" in his sworn enemy forward or giving money gadaibirebda Ronaldo. It is a failed transfer scheme had to be hard to guess. In 2002, "The Guardian" - a journalist in connection with a statement made to:

"Madrid" Real "morientess" Inter "when it was" Barcelona "sell." Royal Club "" neriadzuris' money to pay the players will buy. Saturday morning, "Barcelona" morientesis on the negotiations began, and "Inter" immediately suspect Joan Gaspar filed a dirty game. resulted in Milanello Argentine Hernan Crespo and expressed no confidence in the two clubs' from Lazio "recruited. had previously been, until Ronaldo's Madrid air."

Peres is the true: Joan Gaspar three hours before the transfer window closed out the game and "Inter" and "Real" Face to face left. Finally, the "Los Blancos" "neriadzuris" "Phenomenon," in exchange for 35 million. Appreciating euro, but plorentinos had another tavsatkivari - Ronaldo Joins the lineup. In other words, the operation "morientesis removal" was opened.

In 2002, the club has tried to sell morientesis. The UEFA Super Cup "peienoord" in front of the goal. This information will have negative impact on the fans. In addition, these two most influential players - Raul Gonzalez and Fernando ierosa did not like. All this is described in detail in the press: 'Hotel Monte - Carlo "Raul and Hierro morientess guarded until late night. Peres to the Valdai "E MOREAU" persuading to leave. The committees Gonzalez blankom his shirt T-shirt inside morientesis dressed to the goal of his friend gaemkhnevebina. Unfortunately for Fernando, Raul can not make that day.

A few years later, AS-morientesma admitted in an interview:

"The Peres, and Hierro between raulsa really was. Both team captains and my good friends., Of course, they are supported by other teammates. They felt that the transfers were at a disadvantage, and I did not want to go."

Despite protests from the team captain in 2002/03 season morientesis fortune changed. That year marked the one hundred year anniversary of Captain Perez and requested treble, but the "Real" in the Champions League race. They "Juventus" Choices. Moreover, the "Los Blancos" Royal Cup final at its own ground "with Deportivo" lost. That is, one hundred year anniversary of the club. According to the season, Perez began to act: Del Bosque La Liga championship celebration after he was fired, Claude makelele and Steve makmanamani sold. Despite Raul, Zidane ierosa and protests, morientesi period the "Monaco" was released. As a result, the team has gone Hierro itself. His opinion was opposed to the Peres plans. Later madridulma Grandi "from Manchester United," David Beckham recruited. Transfer to a serving to create more brands, rather than the stronger team. After makeleles complicated Zidane summed up the situation:

"What is the" Bentley "gold beautiful, when we are losing the entire engine."

On the other hand, morientesis "Monaco" gashvebam club lease is approved. "El Moro offered" a perfect season. "Monaco" and the tournament's top scorer in the Champions League final out. At the same time, leading to world domination "Royal Club" one of the tkepnida. They say that after the "real" players only if the lease allows, you will not be able to play against their former club.

"Monaco" fiasco, the "Real" morientesi back. This is largely due to the fact that daemshvidebinat unhappy fans who have seen how easily isolate performance "El Moro offered" ex - club, but at least Ronaldo Fernando, raulisa and winger Owen stayed in the shadows. Walked phones that Gonzalez Blanco morientesis due ronaldosa and Owen treated coldly.

Finally, morientesma left the club with which he won the Champions League three times. He also went to the club with history. Five-fold winner of the Champions League, "Liverpool". Englishmen Fernando 6 million. Reacquire pounds. Unfortunately, "El Moro offered" "mersisaideleb" with not competed in the Champions League. Otherwise, he will win this tournament for the fourth time. English to Spanish football career unfortunately unsuccessful. "White nandos is" just a shadow of himself.

After two seasons spent in England, returned to Spain morientesi where David Villa sheutsqvilda. In 2008, the Royal Cup Final Fernando 'Getafe' keeper was able to score. He won the tournament, which was not part of his collection of trophies. Time passed and years to do so. "Valencia" Willy coaches, along with a young, fast forwards allowed into the field.

Three years later, morientesma went to France, where an old acquaintance, Didier deshami expected that the "Monaco" coach. In the "Marseilles" won the championship and the cup, but Fernando is a very rare appearance. Last season, 34-year-old Spanish boots nail suspended. His career rich in adventures. Morientesma in three different countries competed, he won many titles and captured the hearts of fans all over the world.

Currently Fernando morientesi Cuatro-TV and Radio Cadena COPE-on working as a journalist. The "Real" Youth team - "khuvenil b" - the exercise. The "Real" Big ganshorebisa, the club still speaks very well. The ex - tanagundelsa and a good friend of Raul. Many Raul "madridizmis" as a symbol, but it is also true morientesi Real Madrid all the properties owned: tvitdapaseba, and work for the team to spend more. Therefore, in the hearts of Real Madrid legend Fernando and always will be a true Real Madrid.

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